This is Newcastle Cycling Campaign’s response to the Newcastle City Council climate change call for scientific evidence 2020. Individual responses can be sent through through a survey here. Who we are […]
The council are currently seeking views on changes to the main retail area of the city centre, covering Blackett Street, Northumberland Street and the surrounding streets. The information on the […]
It is with great pleasure that this year we were able to start running our cycle safaris again. For those who don’t know what this means – no we are […]
Evening Chronicle – 3 November 2019 A cycling campaigner has called for action as the North East’s most dangerous roads for bikes are revealled. Newcastle’s New Bridge Street roundabout and […]
This is the response for NewCycling on the multiple schemes presented through Commonplace as the “Junction improvements in the west of the city” at The proposals for the junctions […]
Come and join us at the Cycle Hub for our social evening. It’s an informal gathering to discuss what changes are required to reduce carbon emissions from transport. What is […]