Since October 2022 various trials have been in place to look at how Heaton’s streets can be made better, particularly for people who don’t drive. Those trials are due to come to an end in the next few month and the City Council have started to look at what to do next.
The Council has written to residents and businesses in the area covered by the Safe Heaton trials that have been running for the last year with two options for the future of the scheme. Recipients of the letter are invited to some drop in events to discuss their views on the options given.
The options are as follows:
Re-open Heaton Park View and install a new permanent crossing to the park at Stannington Grove over Heaton Park View. Other potential measures could include closing Cardigan Terrace at Heaton Park Road.

Remove all through routes by closing all the side roads off Heaton Park Road (Heaton Park View, Wandsworh Road (already closed), Cardigan Terrace, Falmouth Road, Heaton Grove). Other potential measures could include re-opening the Heaton Road end of Falmouth Road.
In both options, South View West remains closed and Bolingbroke Street is re-opened.

Successful so far
Evidence from sensors in the area suggests that the scheme has reduced traffic flowing through the area. Local residents have highlighted some issues with people cutting through back lanes so it’s good to see changes proposed to address this.
The additional changes put forward in option 2 would bring the trial area in to line with other parts of Heaton that are arranged in a similar way and have been for 30 years or more.
Combined with the recent improvements to the cycle route that crosses Heaton Park Road, discouraging through traffic will help create a better environment for active travel.

There is a detailed look at the options and the pros and cons of each one on the Space for Heaton website, along with a summary of available evidence of what has happened so far. Read the article at