Since 2010 we’ve been campaigning for safer streets where people in Newcastle of all ages and abilities can walk, wheel, cycle and play.

A passion for safe streets
What do we want?
Protected space for cycling on main roads and measures to reduce vehicle traffic on residential streets. We want safer streets where everyone can walk, wheel, cycle and play.
What do we do?
We keep you up to date with what’s going on in Newcastle. We respond to consultations. We share the latest research and evidence. We lobby councillors and decision makers.
What can you do?
Join us and add your voice to our campaign. Get involved with the campaign to help us take our message to more people. Speak up, contact Councillors, share your opinions with the Council.
NECA Local Transport Plan – Funding for Newcastle
We’ve been talking quite a bit about the Local Transport Plan and things may well change in the final version, but we thought it would be useful to highlight some…
North East Combined Authority Local Transport Plan
The deadline for the North East Combined Authority Local Transport Plan is midnight, this Sunday, January 26th 2024. Yes we’ll be responding, but we’d like you to respond too –…
Join over 1000 members
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